Behind Makes You Stronger

My mission is to provide tools that empower each individual's journey towards self-discovery through self-awareness and commitment. I guide you on a path of mastery, utilizing ancient methods from the lineage of King Solomon combined with holistic healing practices. These resources will assist you in understanding yourself better, living in integrity, embracing joy, and building confidence. Each step you take will deepen your connection with your true self, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life.

Mary Schuft

I’m Mary and I can help you keep it simple.

I’ll assist you creating a truly joyful life by making simple shifts toward adopting a holistic lifestyle. I empower you through education and skills to tune into your body’s innate wisdom.

I am here to stop you from feeling lousy and help you create a healthy body that will allow you to perform at your highest potential.

You are here because you know you could feel much better!

Are you longing to make life-long healthy changes to have an awesome quality of life?

Do you dream of being in shape and maintaining a diet full of nutrients as a HABIT?

Do you feel overwhelmed with all the information about nutrition and aren’t sure where to start?

Perhaps you have tried before to get healthy, but slipped back into old ways.

With my specialized program:

  • Feel energized all day long

  • Move Past Mental and Physical Limitations

  • Lose excess weight

  • Build physical strength

  • Heal Past Trauma

  • Stay healthy all year long because your immune system is so strong

  • Feel true JOY and at Excitement for life…no more depression and anxiety!

This is not a pipe dream. You are meant for more than just getting through the day.

Vitality and feeling GREAT are not just for other people–and it does not have to be hard.

We are all here to enjoy life and the best way to do that is to have a healthy body, inside and out.

If we are not laughing together, we’re not doing it right.


NANP Certified Holistic Nutritionist

Licensed Cosmetologist

Training with The Modern Mystery School

Certified Healer

Celtic Shaman

Certified Enosic Ray Practitioner

Certified Life Activation Practitioner

Certified Teacher

Sacred Geometry 1-7 Healing Modalities

Ritual Master

Certified Meditation Teacher


Maximize your true potential with a Life Activation (DNA Activation).