Take the first step on your healing journey today and join the Makes You Stronger family. Together, we will explore the depths of your healing potential and unlock a brighter future, filled with vitality, peace, and self-discovery.

At Makes You Stronger, I believe in a holistic approach to healing. Instead of focusing solely on the symptoms, we delve deeper to address the root causes of your pain or discomfort. Our comprehensive approach considers your mind, body, and spirit, empowering you to achieve true healing and lasting transformation. From healing sessions to meditation techniques, I offer a wide range of services to cultivate balance and well-being in your life.

The Transformative Power of Energy Healing for Spiritual Growth

In the pursuit of spiritual growth, individuals often embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Along this path, many seekers have turned to energy healing as a powerful tool to facilitate their personal and spiritual development. Through the harmonization and balancing of the body's energy systems, energy healing has the ability to unlock new levels of spiritual awareness and foster profound transformation.

At its essence, energy healing recognizes and works with the fundamental principle that all living beings are composed of energy. This energy, often referred to as life force or chi, flows through channels within our bodies, known as meridians or chakras. When disruptions or blockages occur within this intricate network, not only can physical ailments manifest, but spiritual growth can also be impeded.

Energy healing practices, such as Reiki, acupuncture, or crystal healing, focus on promoting the free flow of energy within the body, thus addressing both physical and spiritual imbalances. By gently removing energy blockages and replenishing vital energy, practitioners can help individuals restore harmony to their entire being, nurturing their spiritual growth.

Throughout history, various cultures and traditions have acknowledged the profound effects of energy healing on spiritual growth. Eastern philosophies, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, recognize the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. By restoring balance within the energy systems, these ancient practices support individuals in attaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the universe.
The benefits of energy healing extend beyond merely addressing physical ailments. By clearing stagnant energy and promoting the free flow of life force, energy healing supports emotional healing, mental clarity, and enhanced intuition. As these aspects align, individuals experience a greater sense of connection to their inner selves and heightened spiritual awareness.

Energy healing also serves as a powerful catalyst for personal transformation. By releasing energetic blocks that stem from past traumas, emotional wounds, or limiting beliefs, individuals can step into their true power and potential. As old patterns dissolve, new opportunities arise, enabling individuals to evolve and grow on a spiritual level.

Moreover, energy healing provides the opportunity for individuals to deepen their connection to the divine and access higher states of consciousness. By recalibrating the energy centers within the body and exploring the spiritual dimensions of existence, practitioners can attain a heightened understanding of universal truths and experience a profound expansion of their awareness.

However, it is important to note that energy healing is not a substitute for medical or psychological care.kens and opens the chakras which are the primary centers of bringing energy into the body. The more open the chakras, the greater flow in life and manifestation potential you have. Give yourself the gift of feeling the full flow of your energy!

Get that energy flowing again

Chakra Awakening Protocol

Awakens and opens your chakras - the major vortexes which bring energy into the body and keep the aura healthy!

Session Investment:

* 30 min session | $55

* or 1 hour Chakra and Tree of Life Awakening | $85

Take your power back

Negative Spell Removal

There are energetic cords that connect us to everyone in our lives, past and present, through which people can “pull” on your energy, leaving you feeling tired and off-center. Emotional Cord Cutting disconnects these emotional cords so you stop losing energy to other people – especially to people who are no longer part of your life like ex-partners, ex-coworkers and bosses, etc., or who you feel “suck you dry”. After the Emotional Cord Cutting, you’ll feel a strong sense of freedom, liberation,

45 minutes

Fresh start

Ensofic Ray 3 part healing:

The Ensofic Ray is a pure ray channeled by the practitioner directly from the Universe as a means of invigorating the physical body and directing attention and healing to areas where negative thoughts and emotions are stored. This healing lifts away negative energies from the body and helps to clarify the energy systems to provide peace, mental clarity, a renewed sense of connection to purpose and heightens your vibration, elevating you above the illness that lower vibrations create.

3-1 hour session @ $550.00

Each session must be done 7 days apart

Localized red light therapy

Laser Light Healing

Laser Light has an immediate and direct impact of healing on the physical body. The Laser Light not only can bring deep healing to the physical body, but it can create balance to all layers of the energy field. We are all light and this modality uses the harmonic resonance of the Light flowing through the layers of vibration of Sound, Waves, Etheric and Magnetic energies. When receiving Laser Light Healing, you are experiencing a refined, specific form of light. It is pure and intensified as a result.

1 hour

Get the creating ball rolling

Tree of Life Awakening

The tree of life is one part of our energy system, and the other part is the chakra system. This awakening opens the blueprint of creation in your life, allowing you greater access to elemental, galactic and universal powers.  Awakens and opens the tree of life in your aura. This is the energy system by which we create in our lives! This helps to give you more energy and inspiration for your life. 

Session Investment: * 30 min session | $55 * or 1 hour Chakra and Tree of Life Awakening | $85 Pre-Requisite: * None, Life Activation recommended

Bring all the pieces back

Hermitic Soul Retrieval

Our soul gets injured through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma, as well as events, concepts, conditioning and programming that are not revealed in our consciousness. This can result in the feeling of being incomplete or out of touch with yourself. Soul Retrieval can help if you can feel or sense that a piece of you is lost, and you are longing for that feeling of oneness within.

The Soul Retrieval

When King Salomon brought 3000 tribes together, the one healing common to many tribes was the Soul Retrieval, which was then tested extensively on members of all tribes to find the most effective Soul Retrieval for everyone. 

King Salomon’s chief mission was to uncover how the greater DNA of humans could be plugged in and activated.  He explored all the existing healings and worked with leading Healers of the different tribes to be able to do this. The fundamental and life-changing Life Activation was born out of this exploration, which was then scheduled to be unveiled in 1997. 

The Soul Retrieval is in contradistinction and a healing as opposed to an activation, and was the most universal or common healing for mental health and emotional challenges. It is not the only useful or necessary healing by any means, but the Soul Retrieval is foundational in the journey of healing mental health challenges – think of it as an excellent starting point to help heal the mind.In fact, it has been said that North American Indian Shamans have looked at our psychiatric hospitals and just shaken their heads in disbelief for how poorly the modern world understands mental health challenges. They perceive the use of medication and hospitalisation as poor attempts to solve what they know to be a problem of the Soul and the Spirit. 

The Soul Retrieval helps to heal the Soul, which is where the majority of the Mind resides. Thus, when the Soul is fragmented, so is the Mind! 

You may be wondering, however: Why and how does the Soul get damaged?

When we experience traumas, intense experiences such as:

  • maltreatment (not just physical, but also verbal, emotional, and spiritual)

  • ongoing stress

  • death

  • loss

  • a broken heart

  • a break-up

  • gaslighting

  • codependency

  • addiction

  • physical illness

  • limiting belief systems that have shut us down

  • denial of our gifts, desires and dreams

  • extreme discipline

lead us to need a Soul Retrieval! 

You may be reading this list and thinking..."Wow, I've experienced several of the items on that list. I might need a Soul Retrieval". And you wouldn't be wrong; the Soul Retrieval is crucial! We experience many trials and tribulations which lead us to a point where we benefit from them. 

Experiences which shock our system cause us to contract, withdraw, and disassociate from aspects of ourselves: we misplace parts of our Soul! 

2 hours 30 minutes @ $280.00

Remove mental negativity

Shamanic Aura Clearing

This a gentle yet effective clearing of the aura, using the earthly energies and the Sutra of the Heart. It not only clears the aura of unwanted negative energies but also seals and heals your etheric field to increase protection. This session is great for clearing away persistent mental negativity, and energetic heaviness that comes from the environments and spheres you spend time in.

1 hour

Shamanic Aura Healing

This a gentle yet effective clearing of the aura, using the earthly energies and the Sutra of the Heart. It not only clears the aura of unwanted negative energies but also seals and heals your etheric field to increase protection. This session is great for clearing away persistent mental negativity, and energetic heaviness that comes from the environments and spheres you spend time in.


Unclog the flow

Ensofic Reiki 1 hr distance session: in person or distance options.

For general healing & relaxation or to target a physical issue or ailment

1 hour


Maximize your true potential

Life Activation: Part 1

This is the 22-strand DNA Activation that awakens your divine blueprint and heightens your connection with your Higher Self! While enabling you to bring in and anchor more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, the Life Activation also empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrevealed talents and abilities, and gives you more vitality and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), while increasing your ability to use more of you

1 hour

Optimize your own divinity.

Full Spirit Activation: Part 2

While the Life Activation amplifies your personal connection to your higher self, the FULL SPIRIT ACTIVATION takes that one step further to increase your connection to your soul. By activating these higher aspects of your energy bodies, you are switching on the “superhero system” that exists within everyone. This is the potential to perform miracles and the opportunity to optimize our own divinity.

This session involves awakening the Thalamus region, or “the old brain,” the Pituitary and Pineal

1 hour

Discover the Power of Distance Healing Sessions

Unlock Your Inner Potential, Replenish Your Energy, and Find Inner Harmony

Are you seeking a transformative experience that transcends physical boundaries? Do you yearn for healing, balance, and rejuvenation, even when you can't be physically present? Look no further than our extraordinary distance healing sessions—specifically Reiki and Spark of Life.
At Makes You Stronger, we understand that in today's fast-paced world, finding tranquility and recharging your inner self can be a challenge. However, with our distance healing sessions, you can tap into a realm of inner peace, harmony, and revitalization without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Experience Healing From Afar:

Ditch the bad habits

Distance SeiHeki

The primary purpose of a SEIHEKI (pronounced 'Say-Hay-Key) treatment is to clear and remove the bad habits and negative traits that threaten our ability to maintain peace within ourselves and those around us. It is also used to aid in balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Start here

Get the creative ball rolling

Remove mental negativity

Maximize your true potential

Hire me to come to you to teach Mediations or a workshop.

Contact me to discuss opportunities.


Distance Ensofic Reiki

For general health or targeted at a specific area

* 1 hour or 30 minutes

Fill your cup when you feel empty

Spark of Life Distance Healing

Spark of Life is the truest form of remote energy work available to humans today. This unique modality was first created by the High Priest and Priestesses in ancient Temples as means to support those who had to travel to other Temples for work. This method is very powerful as the energy travels within the inner spark of pure light from God. With this modality, Magickal keys are used by the practitioner which allows them to bypass the Etheric matrix and chakra system of the client

90 Min

Sacred Geometry Series

Let that shit go

Healing Rites with Crystals (Sacred Geometry 2)

This healing empowers you to heal old and new wounds while stepping in to a pure mind to increase energy flow into the body, bringing in more good fortunes and a general state of well being.

1 hour @ $135.00

Egyptian Aura Clearing (Sacred Geometry 3)

This healing balances the energies within the 7 layers of the aura and the human body. This unique healing modality calls upon the power of the ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses and their knowledge of the dimensions and ratios of the physical and energetic bodies of human.

1 hour @ $150.00

So many options with this one

Gemstone Healing (Sacred Geometry 2)

For relaxation, stress relief, physical & emotional healing, improving libido, passion, and empowerment.

1 hour

Clarity of life and purpose

Core Will Infusion (Sacred Geometry 5)

The will of the higher self always desires good, however, at times we are not always in alignment with that Will. By clearing and cleaning up the etheric structure, you become more balanced between the Will of God, the Will of the Universe & Nature and the Will of Humans. This creates immense clarity of life and purpose and opens up the mind to allow the self to be affected by the true Will of God. This modality enhances the connection with the spiritual self while having more reverence for the experience

1 hour

Awaken intimacy and sexuality

Fire Soul Infusion (Sacred Geometry 6)

This powerful healing comes from the Advanced Sacred Geometries (Level 5). This modality re-calibrates the whole magnetic structure of a person while activating the Fire Souls – Spirit in the body. This is what is referred to in the Vedas as the first step of the Kundalini Awakening. Receiving this infusion is another huge step in the activation of awareness of our true divine nature.

1 hour @ $200.00

Accessing creativity

Activation of the Archangel Michael Inner Stellar Light Tube (Sacred Geometry 7)

This modality activates the Buddhic Body, which is deeply connected to the 7 chakras. By opening up the chakras fully, enlightenment can be attained for a brief moment, and that second of clarity will last you a lifetime. Having this activation you are now ready to move into Archangel Michael’s Interstellar Light Tube.

This interstellar experience allows you to access the origin of creational energy. Archangel Michael is the master architect of the labyrinth of the soul, and by entering his Light Tube.

45 minutes @ $200.00

On location

Crystal Gridding your home or office

5 hours(about)

Enhance the light that flows into your space with a Sacred Geometry crystal grid using clear quartz crystals. Crystals are hung on the ceilings or floorboards depending on your preference. Crystals can also be placed in the foundation of your space if it is new construction.

Each grid is set to one of four specific sacred geometrical patterns for enhanced:


Bringing divine energy into your space

Abundance & manifestation within your space.


Warrior package! ( 30 days)

1 hour @ $820.00

2 nutrition session. One full session and one follow up session at the end of your 30 days.

One healing modality session - choose from a negative spell removal, a gemstone healing or a shamanic Aura healing.

8 1hr training session with Michael Duffy. choose from fitness or martial arts training.


Custom Packages Available

Share your goals and budget and ill create a package that works for you.

Nutrition Coaching & Fitness

Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition consultation (phone)

30 minutes @ $30.00 (Applied to first session)

Nutrition Coaching (Single session)

1 hour @ $125.00

~Intuitive eating

~How to prepare meals to optimize nutritional value

~ Meal timing

~proper food combining

~Detaching from food addictions and emotional eating

~How the body works and how food impacts our health

~How to achieve your fitness goals

How Energy Work and Healing Trauma Can Transform One's Life

Trauma has the power to reshape our existence—leaving behind a trail of pain, emotional distress, and lingering scars. Yet, within the depths of our despair lies the potential for transformation, a glimmer of hope that energy work and healing can ignite. When one embarks on the path of healing trauma, utilizing the power of energy work, profound changes can occur, unveiling a life filled with newfound strength, resilience, and joy.

Energy work operates on the principle that our body, mind, and spirit are interconnected, and that energy flows through us, governing our well-being. Traumatic experiences can disrupt this flow, creating blockages that hinder our ability to thrive. By harnessing various energy healing techniques, such as Reiki, acupuncture, or breathwork, individuals can release these blockages, allowing the healing energy to permeate their entire being.

Healing trauma begins with acknowledging its existence and taking ownership of the healing process. Engaging in energy work provides an opportunity to confront and release the deep-seated pain associated with trauma. Through this practice, one can begin unraveling the knots of emotional distress, replacing them with feelings of calm, clarity, and empowerment.

Energy work facilitates the restoration of balance within. It allows for the release of negative energy trapped within the body, opening the door to self-compassion, self-love, and a profound sense of achievement. With each energetic block removed, a new layer of strength emerges, empowering individuals to face their fears, embrace vulnerability, and ultimately reclaim their lives.

Trauma often impairs our ability to trust, leaving us disillusioned and disconnected from others. However, through energy work, one can rebuild a sense of trust and connection, not only with others but also with oneself. By cultivating a deeper understanding of our own energy systems, we become attuned to the signals transmitted by our bodies, minds, and spirits. We become mindful observers of our own needs and boundaries, enabling us to establish healthier relationships built on authenticity and mutual respect.

Healing trauma is not an overnight process; it requires patience, dedication, and support. Yet, as energy work seeps into every aspect of our lives, we begin to witness the profound transformation within ourselves. The weight of trauma begins to lift, replaced with a newfound lightness of being. The darkness that once enveloped us dissipates, replaced by a radiant inner glow that emanates strength, courage, and joy.