Workshops and Classes

At Makes You Stronger, our mission extends beyond healing; I strive to empower you to take control of your own journey and discover your inner strength. The techniques and tools are designed to help you build resilience, find meaning in your experiences, and unlock your true potential. Together, we will explore your strengths, set achievable goals, and celebrate your achievements as you progress towards a happier, healthier, and fulfilling life.

Astral Travel

Astral travel is the art of expanding one’s consciousness in order to travel outside the realms of the physical reality. This course teaches you the tools and techniques to expand your consciousness so that you can explore the astral planes and other dimensions more safely and effectively. It also aids to improve meditation, conscious dreaming and journeying.

Sanctuary Meditation

The trusted method for tuning in to the wisdom of your soul!

The Sanctuary Meditation is a reliable method to easily and safely expand your consciousness to reach the realm of your own spiritual sanctuary, meet with your Higher Self and receive clear guidance from within. This technique is a simple and effective way to access the higher dimensions of your reality and connect to your spirit and inner wisdom.

In this class you will follow a series of steps that will open and expand the chakras and easily ascend through the dimensions of reality. This method is a foundational practice that can be used daily or as often as needed. For the experienced or beginner meditation practitioner, this approach will deepen your personal reflection and give you access to an intense sense of connectivity with the spirit and soul knowledge you possess within yourself.

  • Find your own unique spiritual sanctuary, the safest place to connect to spiritual realms

  • Meet your Higher Self (the highest and best version of you)

  • Deepen your spiritual connection

  • Get clarity and personal insights as you need them

  • Receive messages and guidance to guide you through life and your personal journey

  • And more!

With the guided practice led by a certified teacher, you will be able to take this technique home with you so that you can access the wisdom of your Higher Self whenever you need it! With the higher perspective your Higher Self holds, you’ll be able to accelerate your healing, growth and understanding of your life!

Sacred Geometry I

All things in the physical world manifest through Sacred Geometry. Sacred patterns and symbols are found in all matter and form the basis of the blocks of creation. Sacred Geometry is an art, a science and a metaphysical series of teachings that help to elevate consciousness and master the process of creation.

The Greeks and Egyptians were the most famous students of the Sacred Geometry principles. From the Pyramids of Giza to the mathematical schools of Pythagoras, Sacred Geometry helped the adept to acquire wisdom, connect with spirit and transform the energy of the physical world around them.

In this introductory workshop, you will be introduced to the philosophical foundation of Sacred Geometry including:

  • The 3 Keys to Heaven – the energy and theory of the 3 basic geometries

  • The connection of Sacred Geometry to the elements of Manifestation

  • Receive an energetic attunement of the 3 Keys to Heaven

  • Learn to protect your home, office and other spaces from outside negative energies

  • Create a holy temple space for meditation, healing and holy work

This 3-hour workshop will give you a taste of the philosophy, energetic and practical components of the teachings Sacred Geometry offers leading into more advanced practices like healing in later teachings!

Stress Rescue

Stress can be beaten! Achieve a better understanding of stress and live a joyful life!

Stress seems to be a daily part of our modern day lives and we know that it is a huge contributor to negative results in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. The more stress we experience, the more we are at risk for living with ailments of all types. While it is not entirely possible to live completely stress-free, we do know that a great degree of our stress is optional. In this amazing workshop, you will take the time to get to the root of stress and understand it from a metaphysical level. You will uncover a better understanding of:

  • What is stress and where does it come from?

  • How does stress affect my life and health?

  • How do I begin to minimize the stress in my life?

  • What methods and tools do I have at my disposal to manage my stress?

This 2-hour workshop will help you to understand the nature of stress so that you and your health are no longer impacted by stress and you can begin living a life of joy!

Spiritual Intuition

Psychic ability, a sixth sense, the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairsentience — there are many names to describe this quality we simply call “spiritual intuition.” Everyone has intuition; the degree to which it is used varies from person to person. Intuition is often defined as “a knowing, without the use of rational processes.”

Everyone has this innate ability in them, and you are using it more often than you realize!

In this workshop, you will learn about the spiritual senses, how to activate them, strengthen them and building your psychic awareness and sensitivity in a safe and comfortable way. You will be handed down tools and techniques that you can practice everyday to develop your psychic abilities and consciously work with your intuition everyday.

All workshops and mediation classes are held at Tensei BJJ & Defense.

3109 E 66th ST Richfield mn 55423

  • “Close your eyes and let the mind expand. Let no fear of death or darkness arrest its course. Allow the mind to merge with Mind. Let it flow out upon the great curve of consciousness. Let it soar on the wings of the great bird of duration, up to the very Circle of Eternity.”


  • A key to knowing yourself is to know your true purpose in life. To know your life’s purpose and live in alignment with it will create an experience of unprecedented joy and a new level of fulfillment in your life.