Natures solution to pollution is Dilution.

Let’s start at the beginning:

What is really in your water besides… water?

Tap water often contains the following which are considered antagonists to its healing properties: lead, aluminum, sodium fluoride, bacteria, viruses, parasites, chlorine, chloroform, methly-t-butul ether (MTBE-Rocket Fuel), pesticides, treated and filtered wastewater and more. There have also been found traces of medications such as: antibiotics, antidepressants, beta blockers (i.e. blood pressure medications), and more. Each of these factors can contribute significantly to fatigue, diminished cellular performance, and stunted cellular growth. It’s time we thought of water and its processing the same as processed food. Many of these antagonistic components would be considered a “poison” that is then treated with yet another toxin: chlorine. Fluoride is another toxin found that, interestingly, was also found used in Russian prison camps to create docile, passive people groups.

Tap water can contain over 75 thousand toxins, yuck!

The quality of your water is important everywhere in your home, but especially your bathroom. When you shower in chlorinated water, the off gassing is surrounding you (think gas chamber). Your pores are open which then absorbs the chemicals faster than drinking it! All the beneficial organisms on your skin are being antagonized by the chlorine from your shower’s vapors (Thankfully there is a way to avoid this with a shower filter. Omica is my favorite filter).

What water can do for us:

Water is essentially a crystal made up of little parts that are organized in many directions. Crystals can store and transmit information. Water is a balanced molecule that is electrically charged. You can see evidence of this when water freezes (check out the book The Hidden Messages In Water by Emote). Water’s job is to hydrate our cells and flush toxins out of our body. We store toxins in our cells (5-20lbs of toxins on average). Drinking A LOT of water will help move those toxins out through our bowels instead of our pores via our skin. The best way to drink water is to take sips of water with sea salt all day long in-between your meals (note: avoid drinking liquids when you eat). Make drinking water a priority but also the first thing you do in the morning.

Then benefit of adding sea salt:

Yes, salt and water are key! Did you know that specifically sea salt, also known as a trace mineral, contains as many as 75  mineral and trace elements! Most people simply do not get enough of these. Salt influences our behavior, activates enzymes and changes our taste buds. When you add sea salt to your water it becomes more bioavailable (readily absorbed). Water is then a carrier that brings the minerals from the salt to your cells which then hydrates your cells. Just add a pinch to every liter of water you drink and the magic transport will happen!

Signs of sea salt deficiency:

Signs of trace mineral salt deficiency are: dark circles under the eyes, low body weight, various allergies and vata aggravated.

The best sources of water:

local spring water (in glass bottles) To find a local spring visit

Ceramic filtration system (nikken,carico)

Feel free to call companies and ask what ingredients are in their water. Typically most bottled water is sourced from a well. Even though it claims to be from a spring, many bottled water companies use tap water.  I continue to research and keep my eyes open, but Mountain Valley is the only clean bottled water company I have found.

Disclaimer: Before making any dietary changes, please discuss them with your medical practitioner. This information given is not intended to replace medical advice or to be used to treat or cure any illness or health condition.


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